14 Mar

Did you know there are a different kind of sleepers? While some people like to sleep on their stomach, some sleep on their back and others, to their left or right side. What is more interesting is not all types of mattresses are suitable for all sleepers.

What occurs if you sleep on a low quality mattress? You will not rest comfortably, and chances are you keep tossing and turning the full night. Consequently, you won’t get up fresh the next morning and it can spoil your whole day. So, sleeping experts advise buying the best mattress, according to your sleeping style, for good sleep.

You can opt for the best Mattress Dubai products as they ensure high quality and reliability. Read on to know what type of mattress is right for your sleeping style.

Ideal Mattress for Different Kind of Sleepers

Ideal Mattress for Different Kind of Sleepers

Side sleepers don’t feel comfortable on firm mattresses. Back sleepers, on the other hand, need firm to medium firm mattress to sleep. So, mattress requirements differ in different types of sleepers. Here are some mattresses for top three sleeping styles:

If you are a Side Sleeper

Side sleepers are more at risk of getting back pain and hurting their pressure points in the body. The reason is your body side is curvy (shoulder, waist and hips and knees) and body curves have more risks to take pressure while sleeping. Therefore, a softer bed is ideal for side sleepers.

A softer mattress can help provide your body with the support it needs. You can choose a latex foam as it can help reduce pressure from your body. Also, it can circulate oxygen and keep you fresh.

If you are a Back Sleeper

For back sleepers, a mattress that is neither too hard nor too soft is ideal. The reason is the opposite kind of mattresses can disturb your spinal cord and cause back pain. You can go for a hybrid foam that includes coils and memory foam both.

If you are a Stomach Sleeper

Most stomach sleepers get up with body aches and pains. They usually nag about lumber and thoracic pain. Therefore, stomach sleepers need to choose a firm mattress.  A too soft mattress can cause a long-term back issue for them. Choose a high quality memory foam to sleep well at night.

Stomach sleepers should also use a body pillow to prevent hurting their nerves and joints during sleep time. Your mattress company can offer you the right body pillow. You can select a soft cotton pillow to cuddle at night.


Whatever you sleep style, always choose a high quality product with orthopedic support from a reliable manufacturer. Experts suggest checking the warranty of your mattress before buying. If your mattress is more than seven to ten years old, it is probably time to change it for better sleep. Besides, choose high tech mattresses to get the best product.

Opt for an excellent Mattress Dubai company that provides advanced technology products to the consumers. After all, a perfect night’s sleep is essential to carry out daily tasks. And only a high quality mattress can help to achieve it!


Essential questions to ask while choosing a mattress

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